I'm Madame Deux Chats... artist..DJ..stuff-maker..mother of small child..various other unpigeonholeable titles...and when people ask me "what do you do then?" its so hard to answer that when you have umpteen random answers. I often wish I had only one or two answers to keep things simple..like "oh I count pigeons for a living ,Monday to Friday, and in my spare time I just listen to rare Swiss Jazz and drink tea", but that aint how I roll :-)
Anyway , to illustrate some of the 'things' that I find myself doing , but mostly to keep my creative mind ticking over, I have set myself a project to make one 'thing' each week for a year - I'm not specifying what genre of 'things' I shall make, but I shall definitely upload each of my weekly 'things' onto here, so by next June I should have 52 of them. Hurrah!
I shall also write a bit about how and why I made each particular 'thing'.
and you can tell me what you think..if you like.
and the next time someone asks me " so what do you do? " I will just direct them to this site and say " this and that and some of the other"
I hope you enjoy my weekly posts
Merci beaucoup!
Madame Deux Chats
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